Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

#10: Data Collection Tools & Skills

#1: I really want to become a preschool teacher. Data Collection Tools cannot really be used in that grade level because teachers assess them by observing what they are learning how to do through class time and games, not online work. Since I have observed older grades, that is the grade levels I would use them on. I would use Data Collection Tools to assess how far along my students are with their work and knowledge. Most of the assignments will be turned in through some kind of online software so it will be graded automatically, and alert the teacher aka me if the student is below the average. The subject matter could literally be any subject a teacher wants to assign work too. 

#2: From reviewing my classmates' blogs, I realized there are a lot more technology based software out there than I ever thought there could be. From Edmodo to Diigo, technology can help teachers out so much if the teacher uses those kinds of software correctly. I knew all about the Microsoft Office software, but I learned so much more while doing these blogs and practicing them during class.

#3: I would probably really enjoy learning more about the technology in the sports lab that we visited. I really like the whole idea behind the ADD/ADHD learning. The different technologies used within that field would help a lot of different students that need to be active at the same time they are learning. I could take different classes that have things to do with that certain field, and those variety of technologies.

Monday, November 14, 2016

#9: Flipped Classroom, "Open" Terms, and PowerPoint

#1: "The Flipped Classroom" is a delivery model that does educational video casts. The idea is to actually flip the way students and teachers actually spend classroom time. This would be how a student would watch to a prerecorded lecture for homework whether they were absent for real class time or if they want more information before going to class. This delivery model has expanded a lot since it first was started, and now a diverse group of teachers use this kind of tool. This world is changing into an all technology kind of world, and this is one of the technology tools in education that is helping teachers and students change with it. is an example of a free website that students can go to and learn more information about different subjects and lessons.

#2: For open education, this is being used so a wide variety of students can have access to learning material. One prime example said in the podcast is MIT's open education. It is called MIT open courseware,  , and it is free educational videos that anyone with a computer and wifi can access it. Teachers also use open educational tools for inspiration on what and how to teach their students certain lessons and concepts.

#3: During the PowerPoint Interaction project, I learned many new things that I didn't know before. I never realized that someone could go through a powerpoint without actually technically clicking to the next slide. I really liked this project because it is a whole new way to look at the PowerPoint software. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

5 tools for an awesome presentation

5 tools for an awesome presentation-By Samid Razzak from Md. Samid Razzak

This presentation stood out to me because it is very straight to the point. The background pictures are nice to look at, but don't take away from the information being said on the slide. Every slide only has a couple of words, so no one can get distracted or bored from reading all the slides.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

#8 Sports Lab, Bloom's Taxonomy, and Professional Development

#1: The last thing we experienced was a board that lit up with lights after times and different places, which at the same exact time, numbers or a math problem would pop up in the middle of the board. The student, athlete, or anyone would have to press the lights at the same time as they are saying the numbers or the answer to the equation out loud. I believe this would be beneficial to schools because this could strengthen the students' brain power, or if they were disabled physically, it could also help strengthen their muscles for just normal movement. I think this could be a fun math game that all students would want to play, and the teacher could even give out rewards at the end to the student who answer all the questions right, the fastest student, etc.

#2: Bloom's Taxonomy levels, from top to bottom, are create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understand, and remember. Using PowerPoint, for the first level, I would design an abstract presentation that would keep the student's interested. For the second level, I would present the students a question or opinion, and get them discussing what their standpoint is on the specific topic. For the third level, I would show them all the different opinions their peers had and get them all together in small groups to let them compare their own ideas in their own words. For the fourth level, using that same question or opinion I did before, I would show them the real life example I got that information from, and then see if they could put that same idea into a whole new situation. For the fifth level, I would show them how all their ideas could come together as one, and present all the different opinions that one idea resulted in. For the last level, I would give them a pop quiz at the end of the presentation to see if all the information I was talking about got through to them.

This website shows all of the technology trends that make the biggest impacts on education. It describes how all of these technologies are changing education for the better. It explains the description of every technology and what it does, and also how it has benefited technology. It also says how all technologies are going to be flipped to the bad side if there is no wireless network, or a good source of power.

Monday, October 24, 2016

#7: Assistive Technolgies, Web Page Design, and Diigo

#1: Assistive technologies are any "equipment or products used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability". These types of technologies are used to help disabled people use computing equipment. In the podcast, it tells us that they will use an input/output device to more effectively use different types of software. I have not known anymore to use these kinds of assistive technologies, but I can see how helpful these are to people that actually do use these. In my classroom, if these technologies were used, I believe I wouldn't know how to work with them very well. I know I would need to take a class or watch a video on how to use these kinds of technologies to be able to show my students how to use them effectively.

#2: While working on the Web Page Design assignment, I found myself very frustrated. I have worked with the same kind of software that is called Wix, and I believe their format is so much easier to figure out the weebly. I found out new ways to search things like pictures, but it was very difficult to maneuver where my image was placed and the format it was placed in. Maybe next time, a class set aside just to teach us how to change and edit things would help a lot. In the future, I could use this assignment to help me build my real class website, and help me know what parents and students are actually looking for when they look up the class page.

#3: Diigo is honestly a really cool website where everyone in your class could be on the same page. I believe that Diigo helps students like me out everything in one place, and combine all the like terms and use them to our advantage. When you are on a team, you always want everyone together a looking at everything from different angles to get the best outcome. With Diigo, this can happen and in the classroom, this is one of the most important things to happen too.